Aug 22, 2020

Andromeda galaxy

Andromeda galaxy, photographed by Isaac Roberts at 1887, by using infrared light

We can see Andromeda in the night sky as a fuzzy object. This exists at the farthest distance that we can see with naked eye. The first clear photograph of Andromeda was taken by Isaac Roberts in 1887, by using infrared light. However, at that time, this was thought to be a nebula that was within our milky way and the astronomers had a different idea about the scale of the universe.

Few decades later, on January 1, 1925 a remarkable theory was presented by Edwin Hubble. He had been closely studying the Andromeda for several months while trying to calculate its distance. When he discovered that this was far beyond the limits of milky way, he was sure that this was actually another galaxy.

Today we know that there are billions of galaxies in the universe.

Andromeda is 2.5 light years away from milky way and yet it is our closest neighbor galaxy. It is predicted  that after about 4 billion years there will be a collision between Andromeda and Milky way and the merge process between these two galaxies will continue for several billion years, which will end up creating one bigger galaxy.


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